TOEFL Sample Question

CLI 아카데미
2013-01-29 09:50
Read the following passage. Then fill in the diagram with the information that you read.






The depth of Lao Tzu’s work makes it impossible for simple interpretation to be made. However, in his writing, the idea of compassion is expounded as an important virtue in all people. Literally, the passage read: “Here are my three treasures. The first is pity…for only he that pities is truly able to be brave.” The second part of the dictum clarifies that by being compassionate, humans can understand each other and, more importantly, themselves.

Lao Tzu’s second Jewel is moderation, which Lao Tzu expresses in his teachings by urging people to be frugal. According to the Tao Te Ching, “ Only he who is frugal is truly able to be profuse.” Some have interpreted this idea to mean that people should be free of desire and seek simplicity in life.

The third of the jewels is humility. Interestingly, the Chinese character for this idea literally means “not dare to be first in the world.” Many Taoists believe that this idea is the key to living a long life, ad that to be first exposes one to the dangers in the world. Therefore, by not being first, one can avoid these.




intend : to have a plan

conflict: a disagreement

breadth: the size or scope

ethical: relating to a system based on morals

expound: to give an explanation of something

dictum: an authoritative statement or announcement

frugal: careful when using money or food

profuse: given in large amounts




Q> The world these in the passage refers to

(A)   Dangers

(B)   Taoists

(C)   Jewels

(D)   people 













A>  (A)