TOEFL Sample Question

CLI 아카데미
2013-07-11 18:34
Read the following passage. Then fill in the diagram with the information that you read.



Unreliable Narrators



An unreliable narrator is any narrator that cannot be trusted to convey a story accurately. This device is used in literature to force readers to question the narrator’s truthfulness. In addition, many authors use unreliable narrator’s to add a sense of realism to a character.

 The use of the unreliable narrator in order to affect the reader’s trust in the tale being told is well illustrated in “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allen Poe. The narrator, Montresor, tells the story of how he was wronged. Already, his view is tainted with prejudice as he expresses his desire to take revenge. As the story progresses, the reader begins to distrust his account further as the symptoms of his psychological illness are revealed. Thus, the reader must contemplate the character’s tale and make his or her own decisions about what to believe.

 An unreliable narrator can also give a character an added sense of realism. Many authors realize that people do not always tell the truth. They may misinterpret situations, and writers structure their characters accordingly. In the case of Poe’s Montresor, had Poe depicted him as a truthful, reliable narrator despite his mental instability, the representation would not have been realistic. However, Poe chose to tell the story as Montresor would have told it, giving the reader a more comprehensive understanding of his character.





Device: a tool

Realism: the quality of being true to reality

Taint: to contaminate

Contemplate: to think about

Comprehensive: complete




Q.     Which of the following can be inferred about Montresor?

(A)   His illness is not known at the beginning of the story.

(B)   It is difficult for readers to interpret his narration.

(C)   Poe was not aware that he was an unreliable narrator.

(D)   His mental illness affects how events are presented.










A >  (A)   His illness is not known at the beginning of the story.