SAT Example (the critical reading section)

CLI 아카데미
2012-12-27 11:21
The Critical Reading Section: short passage


Passage 1


I know what your e-mail in-box looks like, and it isn’t pretty: a babble of come-ons and lies from hucksters
and con artists. To find your real e-mail, you must wade through the torrent of fraud and obscenity known politely as “unsolicited bulk e-mail” and colloquially as “spam.” In a perverse tribute to the power of the online revolution, we are all suddenly getting the same mail: easy weight loss, get-rich-quick schemes, etc. The crush of these messages is now numbered in billions per day. “It’s becoming a major systems and engineering and network problem,” says one e-mail expert. “Spammers are gaining control of the Internet.


1. The primary purpose of Passage 1 is to


(A) make a comparison 

(B) dispute a hypothesis

(C) settle a controversy

(D) justify a distinction

(E) highlight a concern






Choice (E) is correct. The author of Passage 1 highlights a concern by describing the inconveniences of receiving “spam.” Most Internet users suffer these inconveniences, and the author highlights a common concern over unsolicited bulk e-mails by describing typical abuses and quoting an expert who describes the effects of spam on computer networks.

Choice (A) is incorrect. The primary purpose of Passage 1 is not to “make a comparison.” The author does not note the similarities and differences of two things when describing his or her concern over the effects of so much “spam” on the Internet.

Choice (B) is incorrect. The primary purpose of Passage 1 is not to “dispute a hypothesis” on unsolicited bulk e-mail. Rather, the author highlights a concern when discussing the effects of so much “spam” on the Internet.

Choice (C) is incorrect. The primary purpose of Passage 1 is not to “settle a controversy.” The author does not attempt to work out an agreement between two sides of an argument over the rise of unsolicited bulk e-mail. Rather, the author simply expresses concern over the effects of such e-mail.

Choice (D) is incorrect. The primary purpose of Passage 1 is not to justify a distinction. The author does not argue that something is different than it seems or different from something else; he or she simply expresses concern over the effects of unsolicited bulk e-mail.




                                                                           (practice question from Collegeborad)